Monday, September 24, 2012

Prescription Pill Percentages Decreasing

Finally some good news for those with inpatient treatment centers and those involved with chemical dependency counseling

"A new government survey finds the number of young adults ages 18 to 25 who used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes in the past month declined 14 percent, from 2 million in 2010, to 1.7 million in 2011. Overall, the survey found a 12 percent decline in the number of Americans who abused prescription drugs.

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) also found that non-medical use of prescription drugs among children ages 12 to 17, and adults 26 or older, remained unchanged."

It's really encouraging news for those that work in a treatment center to see these percentages decreasing. 

"According to the survey, rates of past-month drinking, binge drinking and heavy drinking among those who are underage, are all on the decline. Marijuana use is up slightly, from 5.8 percent in 2007, to 7 percent in 2011. Tobacco use among teens ages 12 to 17 is down"


Pegasus Treatment Center provides hope and healing to those who are in the struggle against addiction. Our inpatient alcohol center brings you an empowering treatment facility that is beyond the best of all Orange County Treatment Centers. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Empowering Teens Against Alcohol

Treatment centers are seening more and more teens every month and it's truly a sad thing. While we can't reverse time to prevent teens from using drugs and alchol, we can make a difference in their future by empowerment. 

"While it’s true that one in five teens binge drinks, it’s important to note that this means four out of five teens DON’T binge drink. Now, that is power. Teens need to feel empowered to make the right decisions about alcohol today, so they can look forward to a healthy, happy future. This includes making choices like saying no to alcohol and never getting in a car with someone who’s been drinking."

"One of these remarkable teens is Melissa Stegner, a 17-year-old high school senior from Clifton, VA. Melissa is an incredible example of activism born out of personal tragedy. Just after Christmas 2007, her father and 13-year-old brother were killed by a drunk driver. Since that horrific day, Melissa has been working tirelessly to make sure her peers know the dangers of underage drinking, and its correlation to drunk driving. She is making a difference in her local community, and is a true testament to the Power of You(th)."

You can read the full article at the source below and I really reccommend it. Today is the day to make a difference in someones life, not by clashing down on teens for their addictions, but by empowering them and respecting them to make the right choices.   


Pegasus Treatment Center provides hope and healing to those who are in the struggle against addiction. Our inpatient alcohol center brings you an empowering treatment facility that is beyond the best of all Orange County Treatment Centers.